Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lean Process

Based on our discussion in class today, implement and document a quality improvement process to the project/situation in which you performed a 5S process. This implementation must be based on the muda listed on the lean manufacturing wiki site. (note: there are several additional more modern types that you could utilize if need be)

For the documentation, list/describe the waste you have identified and explain the process change you have implemented. Either collect some data that demonstrate your improvement, or realistically estimate the effect that your improvement will have on your process.
Through elimination of unnecessary documents and programs the quality of my work time on my computer increased. The new system for organizing all classwork has helped to streamline productivity. This new system relates to the muda of inventory. When files are not properly inventoried and easily accessible information can be lost or damaged. I identified this as a problem while dealing with school work.

For example, I am currently enrolled in a geographical information systems, G.I.S, class. Using the software utilized by GIS professionals requires careful organization of all data needed for a project. With my data properly laid out I can work on my project without constantly mixing up which files are which and troubleshooting why data sources are not active. I would estimate this new lean process of inventory to be extremely effective, especially this close to the end of the semester when I am running short of time.

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